Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Presbyterians; retreat

Submitted by Ben on October 21 1999 at 20:02:18
In reply to Presbyterians; retreat Submitted by d on October 17 1999 at 22:17:47

Didaskalos -
I don't know anything about Presbyterians. My church is non-demoninational. We simply take the bible as the Word of God and don't form any interpretations which aren't clearly there.

It would be great if God just sent bolts of lightning down to us when we kneel in front of an alter and heals all of our ills. Unfortunately, this only happened when God imbued certain prophets and Jesus himself with such power. God wants us to have faith in him and to be patient and committed. This is why he does not always answer our prayers. I have found that, when I pray to God as sort of a test, I get rejected.

Deuteronomy 6:16

Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah. (Jesus requotes this in Matthew 4:7)

God only performs miracles so that we will believe in him, but that faith usually wears off after time. God needs you to have faith for a much longer time, in a much deeper way, in order for him to be ready to help you change.

Brother, I can tell you that God has helped me tremendously. It could never have happened in a church that was not as radically fundamentalist as mine is. Don't stop searching for God's power. Keep knocking on the door.

You are not alone.


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