Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I don't understand....

Submitted by F.O.D. on October 22 1999 at 00:27:23
In reply to Re: I don't understand.... Submitted by witness on October 21 1999 at 18:18:26

Hello Witness,
I appreciate your honest enquiries about who we are. It's amazing that you can remain so considerate, even though you yourself experienced sexual abuse from your step-father.

I'll try and see if I can help you gain some better understanding into our plight. Me, I find myself often attracted to teen guys, but it's not a legally defined attraction in the sense that I can turn it on or off at age 18. In the same way I love the company of young men (late teens or 20's), and can perceive the beauty in younger boys also.

Do you see what I'm getting at, that there is no real connection between natural attraction and the legal age of consent at 18. Let me put it in these terms. Suppose you were not married, and found yourself attracted to a woman of 25? (or maybe your wife is 25?). Would that be a natural attraction? OK, now suppose she were only 20? Getting a bit young, too young for marriage, you might say, but certainly not unimaginable. OK then, now suppose she were...17? Would you wait a year to marry her? What if she's 15...? Can you see how there is no abstract barrier that divides sexual attraction into "natural" (the person is over 18), and "unnatural" (the person is under 18).

Of course the most appropriate way of expressing one's attraction to someone will vary as the beloved matures, that is a different question. I see the way of expressing my love to a boy in a God-honouring manner to be one of helping him grow and become a man and a balanced person who is able to take his own place confidently as an adult. And I can think of any number of reasons why your step-father's actions towards you were wrong, though I'm sure you could explain why better than I.

I hope these comments help you understand us a little better. Thank you for your prayers.


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