Christian Boylove Forum

you are sadly confusing us...

Submitted by Scott on October 24 1999 at 17:56:27
In reply to Reponse to Mr Bach from another message board! Submitted by Pamella (BlackWolf) on October 24 1999 at 12:19:14

hello pamela,

i just had some thoughts that you might be interested in hearing.

> at the same time a person whom is attracted to young boys, as should a >drug addict refrain from being around them.

God has given me a wonderful gift, an ability to relate with boys, and a love for them, and a longing to be with them. i do not *need* them like an addict needs drugs. trust me, i know, i have suffered long under substance addiction. they are entirely separate issues. i am sexually attracted to boys, but i *LOVE*them beacuse i choose to. i could indeed choose to use them for sex, but i dont. instead, i choose to befriend them, love them, listen to them, play with them, cry with them, be there for them. indeed, these are many of the same things that parents today should be doing, but dont. if i had to guess, i would say that you are married with kids, and you are relatively financially secure...meaning you dont live below the poverty line. what about the boys who have only one parent, and that one works two jobs? of two parents, both of whom are drunk most of the time? i have worked in some of the crappiest cities in this country in youth centers. most of the parents could have cared less what their kids were doing. many times i would have to walk them or drive them home at night cause their parents were too messed up to remember to get them... who will give these children the love they need? will YOU? i, for one, will give them all the love in my heart....

> Control is the issues not sex as like the rapist it is the need to >control a victim that we are discussing.

if you are not worried about sexual preference, why would you even be worried about us? we have no more need to control kids than you do to control yor partner... indeed, generally as a group we have more self control than most, as evidenced by the fact that there are many of us who are friends with boys, and the majority of us keep it at a platonic level...not using them for sex, even if we could.

>One of them being why do "Boylovers" feels the need for young children >instead of a healthy gay relationship with adults

why do you need love? why do i? why do the children need love? simply becuase it is a human condition.

>My main concern is education of parents and to stop "Nambla" from passing >a law to make underage consensual sex with children legal.

my main concern is to make consensual sex between over-age adults illegal. i find it disgusting, and horrible that something like that could go on in this country... hehe what a thought that must be for you. i did not mean that, but i really think that you should rethink what you just said. in this free country, (the USA) you would like to ban two people from doing with each other what they both agree on? come on... that aint freedom. what i sense is that intergenerational sex is merely repulsive to you, and therefore you react negatively. if you dont approve, dont participate. (dont worry, i dont seriously entertain the notion that you would...) or, if you are a parent, as long as you know where your kid is, and what they are doing, you should be able to prevent them from (Lord forbid, making up their own mind) being in a relationship with someone older. why do responsible parents need a law to do their job for them? you say that you dont mind gay relationships. what is the difference between gay and boylove, besides the age of attraction? (for all others, i am not trying to spark this debate...just a simple statement...) what if i have a sexual relationship with a child, and we live together for the rest of our lives, and continue sex for the duration? is that bad? or not?

maam, if you are looking to prevent child molestation, go somewhere else. we love boys. we dont hurt them. get it straight.

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