Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Christianity and Boylove?

Submitted by Witness on October 26 1999 at 09:54:46
In reply to Christianity and Boylove? Submitted by ??? on October 25 1999 at 15:33:46

I really hope that noone minds my posting since I'm not a BL. I think it took tremendous courage for you to come forward and put your post on here, that was a step in admission don't you think?if even to yourself you probably got a load off your shoulders? and what better place than a forum with other Christians who share this same problem with you. Let me ask you something, is your wife your bestfriend? Now I'm not saying run tell her this right now, but I do know that some women can stick by men thru things like this and their marriage survive. My Mother is an example, after my stepfather molesting 3 of her children (and never touching his 3 own children) she still is married to him today. Now... others may have their own opinions on this, like myself, but who am I to say that the Lord didn't have some hand in this?? Maybe he kept them together for some unknown reason I don't know, but my Mother has a heart that is soooo huge, she was able to forgive him and go on with their marriage. They did get some counseling somewhere down the line I remember. And let me tell you ,, when your wife has your baby... that is going to be the most beautiful experience the two of you will ever share,, and you will be surprised at how your parental instincts will take over. After marrying my husband I wanted a little girl so bad... and the reason was I wanted to see me grow up all over again but w/out the abuse, and let me tell you it is so wonderful seeing her grow up and looking just like me and my sister and the funny things she will say and do.
Please don't be too hard on yourself... Please pray everyday... Stay close to your Lord and stay close to your wife.. Maybe give some thought into some private counseling and not tell your wife if you can't... if you did seek counseling tho I would look for a Christian one... My prayers and best wishes are with you.

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