Christian Boylove Forum

DGen, I used to think that way But try this way--->>

Submitted by Shari on October 26 1999 at 18:39:25
In reply to love has to be earned Submitted by Dgennero on October 26 1999 at 09:53:36

I once, admit, I hated God. and thought these same exact things.
How can one possibly love a God who is so mean, cruel, killed his son, destroyed things,
to me HE WAS in all appearance... and Angry God.
One to be Feared... One who had no tolerance for screw ups.

I am not downing the Catholics. (because this was about 30 years ago, and I don't know how the Catholics are teaching nowdays) I ws raised Catholic. I feared my tongue burning off If I didn't confess on Sat. and received the Host on Sunday.
La de da and on and on all the myths to follow.
etc.,etc., You know the drill.

I think, it's all in a matter, of what works good for you in finding WHAT WORKS FOR YOU

some people, find staying at home and watching tv preachers helps.
Some folks. Like me. NEED Music. and I don't mean Ave Maria and the Organ music.
I need upbeat, State of the art so to say
Music with drums, Keyboard, and the whole deal

I need interaction. I needed a church that offered classes BEFORE YOU became A MEMBER
to decide if you wanted all this. and made sure you knew what the church expected, and what they're teachings were based on.

I wanted an Adult Group who meets on nights of choice and focused on discussion, and view points and opinions on what they thought.
Read and Interpreted.

I wanted a Church where I can interact with some teens, and learn what they feel, think and see. Learn what is going on in their world, and views.

Yea, I know. You're thinking. Too good to be true. No such thing.
WEll, for ten years of my married life, with my husband going astray.. Hitting bars, getting drunk, and some close calls... and many other strange things happening...
and still not "getting it"

It managed to Slip into my life.
and What I wanted, I got.

Yes, I waited 10 Years. for asking the impossible. (as posted above. )
cool people, cool Band
TOTALLY upbeat Preacher who can relate to
all and Still make a Service not dry but worth every second of being there. Young, Average, and Elderley in wheelchairs rocking to it.

GodSend??? Maybe. How many people are accepted into a church, and have closeness
to amputees, and speech impaired people without thinking twice about Why it happened??
Because maybe they too were searching for the same thing. Acceptance.
Maybe they too hated God for chopping off their legs and arms and making them deaf,
and talking strange.
But where I belong. They know GOD DIDN'T do that to them Fate did. It gave them a purpose.

It's out there D Generro... You just gotta
help do some legwork if you want it.
and to find the answers You gotta ask to get help and if you really want it.

You will find it. It will hit you when you least expect it.

I can only answer for myself. how hard it hit us.
Maybe because we kept questioning, and doubting and finally he said ENUF ALREADY
quit buggin me about it here it is.

And the Church I always wanted, got handed to me on a silver platter.

And that is no BS!!!! It's a fact.

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