Christian Boylove Forum

Grrr, c'mon, lets all fight!

Submitted by BLues on October 28 1999 at 16:45:24

Well, I can see that not much has changed in here. Shame on you all! Doesnt make much sense to me but if the majority of the folks here are more content stating their cases with people that are as likely to change their views as we are so be it. Quick point on that: If every parent in America knew our accepted title (boylover) and our traits and quirks I dont think life would be too good for us. As it is, they blame our receptivness to their kid on kindness. But if they knew the term boylover, if it was a common word along with its meaning, it would be the first thing that popped into their head the moment we bent down for eye to eye conversation. That day is coming. And a total understanding of boylovers and an acceptance that their motives could be pure will hopefully follow, but initially its just going to be fear. Its the way things work. At first you dont know, then you know a little, a little more, etc. The minute the term boylover is picked up by the media, this is ignorant thinking on my part because for all I know Im dead wrong, it will mean practicing pedophile with the look of an angel who your kid will fall in love with. Careful what we wish for I guess. I would just as soon keep us in the closet than have every good thing someone does for a boy be analyzed and suspect. Okay, where was I? So be it. Thanks to Chris and Faith and everyone else who would rather be helping boys and boylovers instead of bickering with the mindless. Someone said to me once that those flamers come and go but forgot to mention that this board welcomes them by giving them everything they hoped to get by coming here. Also forgot to mention that their words were better spent on these flamers than on helping a boylover deal with his feelings. Giving him positive feedback and support. There are exceptions, Chris and Faith, and on occasions others. So many words wasted on these people. If the object is to get them to leave than wouldnt this be sooner done by ignoring them? They do outnumber us so the stream of flamers wont ever dry. And by explaining our case to them directly only makes their convictions stronger. Wouldnt the best medicine for them be to post, be ignored, than with no other option read through all of our wonderful, positive, sometimes spiritual posts? Seems to me that it would serve us better to make them fight on our turf. Because even though they are here, they invite us to theirs with their post and we accept with a comeback. Well, I just think. Anyway, like it or not, Im gonna keep posting happy stuff and hopefully uplifting posts. I think this place needs it more.


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