Christian Boylove Forum

I am answering everone in here...

Submitted by Faith Elliston on October 30 1999 at 10:40:31
In reply to Re: ok, i'm not going anywhere.. Submitted by BLues on October 30 1999 at 01:09:27

Thanks for being ssooooo sweet to me! I read all of the responses and they all really tickled me. I spent the day yesterday working on my house, then went to a high school ballgame w/the hubby(his alumni)and now I'm ready for this busy weekend, so... I just need to be filled w/the Holy Spirit, I battle with depression, sometimes it doesn't seem to bother me then other times it does,usually when I freak out over the money that is when I have trouble and I've got to learn to overcome it. But you all managed to make me smile, and gave me something to lookforward to in turn. You've been good Christian friends to me even tho I know none of you and I just hope I can do that in return.
Smiles and laughter,
and Love in Christ,
Faith Elliston

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