Christian Boylove Forum

The way I read it,

Submitted by Dirk Gently on November 02 1999 at 00:50:56
In reply to I Have To Say… Submitted by Andy on October 31 1999 at 21:51:55

"YHWH" is the name by which God revealed himself to Israel. This is not the name of the Father. I agree with your contextualizing of Is. 44:6, but I don't think it's even necessary. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are/is the LORD.

For a fascinating exercise, read through Gen. 18 and 19, paying attention to the description and number of the visitors. First there are "three men". Then it's "the LORD," and then later two men go on to Sodom and Gomorrah while "the LORD" remains with Abraham. By the time the two visitors reach Sodom, they're "angels." Doesn't prove anything, but it sure is odd.

Traditionally, Orthodox iconographers use "the hospitality of Abraham" in Gen. 18 to depict the Trinity. If you poke around on the www a bit, you'll be sure to find a copy of Andrei Rublev's version.


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