Christian Boylove Forum

preacher moment

Submitted by Dgennero on November 04 1999 at 06:16:20

Day before yesterday, I was going to the Marienplatz (the center of Munich).
There was a street preacher on a pedestal beghind a stand with "freeware" religious books.
He had two disciples that looked quite like Jesus.
The preacher didn't belong to a sect or community.
When I got there, I saw him standing with the Bible in his hand and fanatically
flaming at Darwinism and such.
"What, Man should be a descendant of dumb apes? Ridiculous! Evil thought!"
he thundered.
I asked him if he sees what he does as a task he *has* to do.
He said yes, he feels he's sent by God to fight for Him on Earth.
I said: "But Jesus preaches love, you preach hate!"
He: "It's a *holy* wrath!"
Me: "Holy wrath is something God may have, not Man! It's not ours to judge!"
At every new flame, I then said: "Love your enemy!" and *piercingly* looked him straight in the eye.
This irritated him a bit, and after 10 minutes or so he said to me:
"Who are you? Where do you come from?"
Wellll, why not pay him back with his own means...
I said: "Who knows, maybe God sent me, too."
He: "For what purpose?"
Me: "To remind you to preach love not hate."
He opened his mouth like he wanted to shout something bad. I just stared at him.
The preacher then said: "Oh Lord, forgive me I have sinned! I have almost forgotten what Jesus' mission on Earth was. He loved us so much he died for us to take
the sins of Man on his divine shoulders."
The rest of the sermon was about love.
I hope he learned the lesson for good.

Pure hybris, what I did. I hadn't the least bit of authority.
But I don't think it was a sin what I did.

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