Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Books

Submitted by Dirk Gently on November 09 1999 at 23:47:02
In reply to Books Submitted by gametoy on November 08 1999 at 23:55:40

I've read The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and thought it was pretty good. I've got The Spiritual Man sitting on my bookshelf, but I don't know as I'll ever get to it. (I've got a few reservations about his writings.)

I've been a frequent visitor to Narnia ever since I was about 11 or 12, and read Lewis' Space Trilogy as a teen. Excellent stuff! When I finally started to read as a Christian, I devoured his apologetical works, and I recently re-read the Space Trilogy.

Other authors that have helped me grow as a Christian are Anthony Bloom (a.k.a. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh), Sophrony Sakharov (a.k.a. Archimandrite Sophrony), Fyodor Dostoevsky, Augustine of Hippo (the Confessions), St. Athanasius, Frederick Buechner, Blaise Pascal, Graham Greene, Annie Dillard, Brother Lawrence, and Thomas Merton. And J.R.R. Tolkien, of course!

Looking over my list, I noticed that it's an almost even split between novelists and theologians. I also noticed that they're mostly men. I highly recommend Evelyn Underhill, but I simply haven't read enough of her to list her as a major influence. Same goes for Julian of Norwich and Jeanne Guyon.

And then I went on-line, and haven't finished reading a book since. . .


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