Christian Boylove Forum

it could be sooo easy IMO

Submitted by Dgennero on November 10 1999 at 11:41:41
In reply to sex Submitted by Game on November 09 1999 at 17:39:09

Take a song for example. Some songs are a pleasure to our ears (depends on the taste of the listener), those we listen to, the others we don't.
If we play a song another one who is present doesn't like, it's a matter of
friendliness to stop playing it.

Now take sex. Some activities are a pleasure to our senses, some not.
Some persons we're attracted to, some not.
With the former we would do it (provided they like the same actions), with the latter not.
If we desire someone and he doesn't desire us, it's a matter of friendliness to take a "no".

It could be sooo simple.

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