Christian Boylove Forum

The Meaning of Liff

Submitted by Dirk Gently on November 13 1999 at 23:01:34
In reply to What is the meaning of life? Submitted by Triple Q on November 12 1999 at 13:52:27

I once knew a guy who insisted that life doesn't have a meaning. He said that life is meaning. I'm sure I don't know what he meant, but one way of looking at it might be to say that as long as we're looking for "the meaning of life," we're asking the wrong kind of question. To speak of the meaning of life implies that there is only one, and that we expect it to be something that can be clearly articulated and understood. I personally think that's way too inadequate for the fearful and wonderful adventure that we're all on.

Maybe if we talk about the "end" of our lives, we'll get a better sense, since the "end" is both the purpose which provides us orientation and the point at which some sort of judgement or analysis can be made. The story ain't over yet! Some folks may live their lives as if it's a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing. (A great tragedy, in my opinion.) Others may pour out their lives in love -- I'm thinkin' Mother Teresa as a prime example here. In her case, I think she meant a lot to many people. Her life had meaning for them, and I'm sure that she would have expressed the purpose of her life in terms of loving service. (The rest of us fall somewhere in between.)

Maybe the question isn't "What's the meaning of life?" so much as "What do you want your life to mean?" Then live it.

Don't dream it, be it. (Anybody recognize where that's from?)


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