Christian Boylove Forum

I'm one of those people I confess

Submitted by Faith Elliston on November 15 1999 at 09:38:54
In reply to *loving* isn't called abuse Submitted by Dgennero on November 15 1999 at 07:19:09

I am, only speaking from personal experience though so its not because I'm judging anyone. There is a difference between loving someone(anyone) and abuse, just like there is a difference in spanking a child and beating the life out a child, or giving a child a hug of encouragement and feeling a child up in a sneaky way. I do think its a shame tho that anyone would have to be careful about what they say to a Pastor, granted I do think the Pastor should be able to come forward if it involves the welfare of anyone, but to not be able to have a trusting relationship with a Pastor would be awful. But guess that is just another peice of our world today, sometimes you get that one person you know you can confide anything to and then sometimes you don't.

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