Christian Boylove Forum

Re: "Pedophiles are persons of sacred worth"

Submitted by Ben on November 27 1999 at 10:30:28
In reply to "Pedophiles are persons of sacred worth" Submitted by Heather on November 25 1999 at 22:36:10

Thanks for sharing this Heather. I wish that more people could understand the difference between orientation and action or behavior. God made pedophiles for very specific reasons (some I think I have figured out and some....well I'm still guessing about). All people, all Christians, have their struggle, whether it is sexual, drugs, alcohol, pridefulness, selfishness or some other sin. He offers the opportunity for forgiveness to all, not for being who they are, but for sinning because of who they are.

My church actually understands this very well. They are often misinterpreted as being 'anti-gay'. They are openly opposed to homosexual practice, but they welcome gay people into the church who are committed to living their lives according to the bible. We have many gay people (and frankly...having met a couple I believe that at least one of them might also be a pedophile) in our church who are either living celibate lives, or who are actually leading heterosexual lives. Instead of preaching to gay people that they should just accept the fact that their dreams may never come true, they should believe that God loves them no matter what, and for some, the opportunity to be married, to have a family, and to live the way that they dream to live is really possible. Jesus, says in Matthew 19:26 -
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

God may choose for me to never be able to live a heterosexual life and to be married, but I believe that the struggle of BL has it's purpose, and that just giving up and molesting boys is NOT the purpose. Struggling with my sin, coming to faith, needing Jesus DAILY and impacting others lives are just SOME of God's purpose for this struggle.

I can see that I'm preaching to the choir :) So, what else is new! I replied back to your email through Mark, btw.

Love your bro in Christ -

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