Christian Boylove Forum

nuclear tango toe to toe with the russkies

Submitted by F.O.D. on November 29 1999 at 03:47:30
In reply to Do you have strange dreams from future time? Submitted by KPK/PPC on November 27 1999 at 22:17:51

Only it was American missiles raining down over my town.

I once had a dream when I was 14, a nightmare, back in the 80's when the nuclear threat was perceived as the greatest threat (funny how this threat seems to have "disappeared" today...)

I saw the nuclear missiles raining down. The funny part was that they weren't in fact missiles exactly, they were yachts! Figure that! The scary part was that they were marked with an American flag.

The fear I felt from this vision and the whole nuclear terror thing was instrumental in my finding peace with God, in the sense of making me face what the real dangers were in life, what scared, and how that compared with the love of God.

"If God is for us, who can be against us"


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