Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The Unitarian Church - is it Christian?

Submitted by Jules on December 06 1999 at 08:57:09
In reply to The Unitarian Church - is it Christian? Submitted by F.O.D. on December 06 1999 at 03:02:53

Dear F.O.D.,

I think it's like this: the Unitarian Church started out in the 18th century by not accepting Jesus being divine in the way trinitarian christians do. To them, only the Father was God. Most controversially, they believed Joseph was Jesus' father in the normal way. They thought Jesus was son of God only in what he was like.

Today, the picture is more complex. I've just done a quick search for Unitarian homepages and I've found more variety than unity. I think there must be many different branches of the movement. Some seem to be universalist, which means they think everyone is saved. Some don't seem to call themselves 'christian' at all. They are into general spirituality as a purely human thing, and Jesus tends to fade into the background.

But, as far as I know, there may well be some who still consider Jesus to be the way of salvation. Are they christians? It depends on how you want to define it. Personally, I think individual people can be christians even if they mistakenly believe things that don't correctly explain how salvation works. That's not the same as accepting the whole Unitarian movement as 'christian', though.

What does anyone else know about it?

Love to all,


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