Christian Boylove Forum

Naming the Beast 666

Submitted by KPK on December 13 1999 at 14:50:50

In Hebrew, each letter of the alphabet stands for a number.
everyone's name automatically adds up to a number.

1 = Alef [A-E-Ee-O-Oo, or silent]
2 = Bet [B-V]
3 = Geemel [G-J]
4 = Dalet [D]
5 = Heh [A-E-Ee-O-Oo-H-He-Ha, word end Eh-Ah]
6 = Vav [O-U-V-Va-Ve-Vee(-W)]
7 = Zayeen [Z-J]
8 = Khet [Kh]
9 = Tet [T]
10 = Yod [Y-I-Ee]
20 = Kaf [K]
30 = Lamed [L]
40 = Mem [M]
50 = Noon [N]
60 = Samekh [S]
70 = 'Ayeen [Guttural A or E-Ee-O-Oo]
80 = Peh [P-Ph-F]
90 = Tsadee [Ts-Ch]
100 = Koof [Q (sounds like K)]
200 = Resh [R]
300 = Seen/Sheen [S/Sh]
400 = Tav [T-Th]

Here are 4 letters that add up to 666:
Tav(400) + Resh(200) + Samekh(60) + Vav(6) = 666
Here are 9 letters that add up to 666:
Seen/Sheen(300) + Resh(200) + Koof(100) + Lamed(30) + Kaf(20) + Yod(10) + Geemel(3) + Bet(2) + Alef(1) = 666

Just as when using our own number system it's possible for a wide range and amount of numbers to add up to the same total, so it is with Hebrew letter/numbers.

Finding the name of the Beast isn't going to be that easy, and will probably not happen until after who he is has been made clearly evident to Christians. Christians won't be fooled. Evil has a lot of names, who needs to know a name to recognize the Evil done by the holder of it?

Here's an interesting letter sequence that totals 666:
Mem(40) + Yod(10) + Tav(400) + Resh(200) + Heh(5) + Yod(10) + Alef(1)
It spells:


This is interesting ... but is it significant?
In the end, as with all things of Faith,
this must be left for each of us to decide for ourselves.

Nostradamus said there were a blue turban person not born of a man but borne into a womb of a woman.

My interpretion is that he is Cthulu, the creature of the deep sea. (H.P. Lovecraft). As a scarlet seven-headed beast that was revealed in the Book of Revelation.

Satan worshippers called him as a Cthah 666 (Notice that there is no serif in letter "A") as in ancient Sumer language of Babylonian time, in book of Necronomicon. Those fools think they are awaiting for him as their true messiah.


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