Christian Boylove Forum

Then I shall await for you to speak to me again soon.

Submitted by KPK on December 13 1999 at 16:10:31
In reply to Re: Hi, just a few things... Submitted by BLues. on December 13 1999 at 15:38:07

I guess it had to be around 1980-4 when you were born.

You're not dealing with a regular person but someone from... Way back by then but don't look old and still look like 21 handsome even in my real life and... *Sigh* Just stuff that's too far skyhigh above you. Someone who cannot die and will live forever. I am a past, present and also of future. If you can be just my friend - just like what I do for "d" David who is truly one of mine own kind... Except that you must remember I am a falliable human being, until I become being something else anew in that future time. Just a human being like you are, and I am not a saint... But I came before you.

Even seen Xmas TV shows like Patrick Stewart's "Christmas Carol"? I am
like that 1st spirit. In a way. Just sweeting up to you and showing you
your ways around to the right way... Toward true time of peace and love in Heaven without any fears, pains, sorrows, tears, hatreds and you name it... Never again, where you will be happiest with yourself forever. I am somewhere in the middle right now, if you don't know it... Just a spirit of very old deaf gay kid and... Just want to be a friend for you, nothing more. Just smiling at you, and wish what's the best for you personally. I would even be there for you even if you are in your own hellest time of your own lifetime same it was for me by then.

Wishing you the most merriest Christmas, no less...


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