Christian Boylove Forum

Uh-huh. A deaf old gay kid got...

Submitted by KPK on December 13 1999 at 16:34:37
In reply to My IQ like my unused. Submitted by BLues. on December 13 1999 at 15:59:24

around 115-120 IQ level long time ago. I was a deaf near-prodigy gay kid on TV before they they found out that I was a faggotboy and threw me away out of their hearing gaybashers' H.S. long time ago... Almost 20 yrs ago. That was part of why I was so angry at them all. Not to mention skyhigh religious stuff that I do know about too. I was even on TV shows by PBS too. Long before you were even born. Ever heard of PBS' shows "Feeeling Free"? I think not so.

I demand you to challenge me with WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT and I shall answer them for you. This is NOT a joke. I really want you to that to me.

Tell me... Do you know history all way back to ancient time? How about theology? The languages and cultures around this world? Ask me ANY question and I will answer them for you.

It really don't matter at all whether other christians (gay or not) who lacked that but once when they all go up there -- either by deaths or Blessed Hope - Rapture before destruction of this unloving world therough with the Antichrist himself. They will all gain same intelligence on same levels as you and I do have now. It is beyond to the spiritual levels. Which we do not have by now as moral physical human beings. Once we are there, God will show us eons and eons and eons to end of the universe that He had created for us all. Trillions of lightyears away, to no definite end at all. We will see planets and all that do dwells upon them. (I am a astronomer too)

I am not fooling you at all and I do not lie at all unless
you serve the Beast and Satan himself then I will...


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