Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by F.O.D. on December 14 1999 at 18:28:16
In reply to Unitarian Universalist services Submitted by Heather on December 06 1999 at 20:04:31

"The bond of fellowship in this church shall be a common purpose to do the will of God as Jesus revealed it and to co-operate in establishing the kingdom for which he lived and died. To that end, we avow our faith in God as Eternal and All-conquering Love, in the spiritual leadership of Jesus, in the supreme worth of every human personality, in the authority of truth known or to be known, and in the power of men of good-will and sacrificial spirit to overcome evil and progressively stablish the Kingdom of God."

I guess I can't really argue with that!

I think their inconsistency caught me off-guard. "Build your own theology" - I didn't make it up, it really is one of their (the UUA's) courses!

But here they are affirming the truth, "known or to be known", which is fair, and not inventing your own god.

I guess the proper perspective, from what you're saying, is not that they don't believe in anything, but rather it's an environment where they allow the individual the time and space to come to know God individually. A place allowing a searcher to ask awkward questions.

Thanks for the info,


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