Christian Boylove Forum

drip, drip, drip goes the sap.

Submitted by BLues. on December 16 1999 at 06:07:30

How can this be? Me and you talking like brothers. Strangers named friends. Invisible bonding. I guess the bond was waiting patiently in each of us. Waiting for a like-mind to cling to. Biding it's time until something came along that it recognized and made it feel comfortable. My bond with this place is stronger than me. I couldn't cut this cord if I wanted to. If it somehow was severed beyond my control...I would grieve. I would be lost. My feelings and emotions would tuck themselves away...back to the place where my friends found them. Deeper this time to prevent ever being hurt again. In a solid conch that only...damn, what's his name? Anyway, I guess what I meant to say there was that only the boy from Lord of the Flies could blow them out again. :o)

Feeling a bit sappy tonight. So wanted to say thank you to Chris, KPK, Ben, Dirk, Mark, Dgennero, Faith, TripleQ, F.O.D., D, Shyboy, dabest, Whimsical, Father Goose, and lots of others for coaxing my deepest thoughts out of their hiding shell. Without you guys I'd be lost. The world is just a ball of dirt. It's the people that make it unbearable. These boards are just bytes of things I really don't understand. It's you guys who make them hard to live without.

Bless you guys. Smile today because you are loved.

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