Christian Boylove Forum

Re: right on!

Submitted by BLues. on December 18 1999 at 05:01:42
In reply to right on! Submitted by Dgennero on December 16 1999 at 05:22:47

I am so glad you see it that way too gen.

When I was writing it I imagined you aggresively responding to it in disagreement. I think it was the description of you I read once. At least, I think it was you. It was a while ago. Anyway, thanks for saying so, it means alot to me.

Oh, the description was one of a tall, long haired, bacon and eggs eating, three strong ones in the morning, coffee chugging, techno music junkie! I guess I've succummed to stereotyping! Sorry bout it!!!

Love ya Dgennero!
(short, short hair, bagels, two strong ones, soymilk gulping, folk music junkie!)

I guess stereotypically that would mean that I am pro-choice too! YIKES! I've hit myself with my stereotype gun!! :o)

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