Christian Boylove Forum

I remember the bloated one

Submitted by Kerusso on December 19 1999 at 15:14:19
In reply to "A certain bloated bastard" of CA heheheh. Submitted by KPK on December 19 1999 at 12:05:25

You might find it of interest that he was convicted of threatening people in CAlf., and will have a sentence date in January. He had given me some grief as well, but no where like yours. As for Bruce Pringlemier, I only saw him at times and he didn't seem to be a bother the times I did see him. Don't know his deal. Alan Walker on the other hand was a pain in the butt.
Glad things are leveling off for you. If i don't 'see' you before Christmas here, have a merry one.

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