Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Noel...

Submitted by Chris on December 19 1999 at 18:21:56
In reply to Merry Christmas!! Submitted by Faith Elliston on December 19 1999 at 14:28:43

Hi Faith,

And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family also!
I'm with you, I get a little irritated around Christmas time because it has gotten so commercialised. But actually, Ithink a lot of folks are perhaps getting sick of the rushing around, pushing and shoving in all the stores, and spending loads of money. I still see that the stores are pretty crowded and busy, but I've ben noticing some better manners from people, generally speaking, and even some laughter and good cheer. Not in HUGE amounts, mind you, but enough to notice. Maybe with the Y2K thing right around the corner, people are seeing the real "reason for the season".

I know at my house, we do the gift-giving thing, but we also try to keep in mind the birth of our Savior. And we always try to have a REALLY GOOD Christmas dinner feast, as well as Christmas Eve feast, and then a really nice Post-Christmas leftover feast...ha ha ha ha!

Praise God for the birth of His only Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ!!!


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