Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by BLues. on December 20 1999 at 06:14:03
In reply to Hello Submitted by Ender on December 20 1999 at 00:07:24

Hello Ender person.

I was wondering which "Christain values" you were referring to. The ones at the church down the street or the ones my bf has? Or maybe the ones people had 300 years ago? Since the Bible is pretty metaphoric it's hard to say that there is an absolute set. Or is it metaphoric? Have you given all of your belongings away to the poor and are currently walking the earth preaching the good news? Or have you tried widening the eye of a needle so that Mr. Gates can come too?

This is a wonderful place for support and it's probably just the kind that you need in my opinion. Those here are not in denial of their boylove. Some feel it is from God...and why not?

As far as us feeding each others lust I think that is pretty silly of you to say. This is a constant craving. Think of a smoker. When he wants a cigarette sometimes just a puff will tide him over for a while. I know when I talk about my feelings the lust filled thoughts lessen a little. I know it's a bad analogy since a smoker can quit and after a while never want one again. Boylove isn't different. It never goes away.

Im sorry but I have to say that I think you must be an unbearable person to be around. Being a boylover (who knew those cute twins names no less) how could you possibly think there was something wrong with Chris' post? My suggestion would be to throw your computer away, along with anything else that might impose on your high(er) values and become a monk. Live in solitude away from all the misguided folk. They won't understand what you want to teach them anyway and in the process of showing them the(your) light their lack of Christian values may even begin to rub off on you! It's just not worth the risk! Run!

That was metaphoric sarcasm. Just so ya know.

Serious discussion? You are so wrong to imply that these discussions don't go on here! Man you are on a pedestal aren't you? We are just peds on stools down here so hop down and start a "serious discussion" and I'll be sure to try and keep up. Go slow though. You can't show me the WAY all at once or my head might blow up! Sorry if nothing you have read so far qualifies as a "serious discussion". I wasn't aware that this was Comedy Boylove Forum. Geez!

You mentioned getting married. And also said that you think a Christain shouldn't have ANY CONTACT WITH BOYS. Ummmm, I hope if you ever have children they are all girls. Are you ever tempted to raise your voice in anger at someone? Well, maybe you should stop talking to people all together, what do ya think? Nip it in the bud right? Well, there are better analogies but your post wasn't inspiring enough to get them out of me.

I really would hate to be you. Wanna hear something you might think is funny? If you don't think you are doing anything're not. Or at least I don't see how you can be held accountable for it. Silly Ender person trying to ruin me! I never thought this was bad and now I question it and am forever gonna be guilt ridden! I don't expect you to understand that because it seems you are pretty shallow.

Anyway, thanks for the laugh. Your comedy was appreciated.


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