Christian Boylove Forum

Memories of Christmas

Submitted by Cherub30 on December 24 1999 at 14:09:56
In reply to Christmas Cheer! Wanna try Something? Submitted by Chris on December 24 1999 at 11:23:29

I think some of my fondest memories of Christmas would have to be the ones that took place when I was younger and all my brothers and sisters were with me. In the last five years, I have lost two of my sisters and I really think about them a lot during the holidays. When we were younger, we would get up early on Christmas morning and open our presents and have a big breakfast. Then we would all go to my grandmother's house and spend some time with other relatives.

My memories always go back to those wonderful, beautiful sisters that I miss so much. This is a special time of year, but I cannot help but feel a sense of loss now since they are gone. Can't wait to see them again someday!!

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!


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