Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Another follow-up question:Heather!

Submitted by WindDancer on December 30 1999 at 15:18:59
In reply to Another follow-up question Submitted by Heather on December 08 1999 at 17:58:00

Dear Heather,

What we have here is a good question but the motive behind it is from the evil one. We can stand in judgement of others saying that their sin is so appauling and horrible that God must surely desire the death and total destruction of the sinner.

Ask yourself this question.."What about hetrosexual sin?" Is one sin greater than the other? Not at all. Non sexual boylovers are people who have been created by God himself and empowered with a spirit of understanding. These non sexual boylovers remember in their childhood how the world treated them. It is their utmost desire to take those experiences and insure that it does not happen to another boy. They identify with boys because in their hearts they humble themselves as little children too.

As for those who support sexual relations with boys it's because that the world has taught them that sexual expression is the utmost physical way to convey ones love for another. [See heterosexual dogma] Sex is sex. It's of the flesh and true love such as David had for Jonathan was perfect. It did not involve sex but truth. God's love for us involves a communion of our souls and spirit with his. It's not a physical thing.

As for adultery among the heterosexual christians it is just as wrong in the eyes of God because it involved breaking of faith and the crushing of someones spirit. If you are or anyone are to sit on the Mount Of Assembly and judge sin, then your sin is the most grave of all...mocking God.

Satan himself said "I will sit upon the Mount of Assembly, I will ascend my throne to the heights of heaven, I will be like the Most High God, I will demand worship, etc;. That got him kicked out of the Kingdom.

While we can examine others for sin, sometimes we forget to examine ourselves. We should take the beam out of our own eye so we can see clearly to pull the splinter out of our brothers eye.

The greatest enemy of God is those who would follow the Evil One in the judgement of those who are in the bondage of sin. Jesus did not come and gossip about our sins as is found in all church congregations, nor did he come to condemn us but to love, deliver, and forgive. To set the captive free.

I'm sure you will use the scripture which says..."come out from among them and be seperate from them.." nobody ever thinks that he is talking about the "congregations" they always assume He is talking about the sinners...

No, he said to go to them with love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness as He did for us we are to do for others. The church "talks" it but does not do it. Am I wrong about this? No, not at all, it's true, God himself says so in His word over and over. Even unto the book of Revelations.

Therefor, we all know the old saying used by the judgemental hypocrits who say.." oh I love the sinner but hate the sin"....They believe their own lies they know and so does God that they hate the sinner and use the sin as an excuse to judge, condemn, and show their own righteousness. I prefer to realize that I have no righteousness outside him and will therefor stand in His righteousness as commanded by His word.

Have you ever stopped to think that some of these non sexual boylovers from this group might be trying to "witness" to others? We are all surrounded by temptations of the flesh daily and trials of the sould and spirit. This does not just happen to boylovers.

Boylovers are Gods creatures just as anyone else on earth who has been given life. I do not seperate boylovers from among the rest of the flock...I include them otherwise I would be a hypocrit like the majority of the church's. I refuse to become that which I most despise.

The most abhorent sin to God is....hyporicy..."I would rather you were hot or cold but since thou art luke warm, I shall spew the from my mouth..." said God in the book of Revelations..."

Why is hypocricy so bad? It is an act committed by those who are self righteousness which has since the beginning of time driven a wedge between God and His children. "the whole need not a physician, but the sick, I did not come to call the righteousness but the lost"....

Your question from the Devils Advocate is compelling but leads to judgement. Tell your Devils Advocate to advocate for God it will be time spent more productivly.

God has placed me on this earth and allowed me to experience many things. I choose to love my brothers and help them to understand themselves as I have been taught by God. I also want them to know their Father more than they have been taught by the Church. I want them to ignore the teachings, commandments and doctrines of men and listen to their Father. That's the only way they will truly get to know him and when they do, they will be the better for it and I will have eternal brothers and sisters that no one can take from me. They are my reward and His pleasure.

"my Word is of no private interpretation" says the Lord. It's clear and precise. "Love one another as I have loved you...." "judge not, lest you be judged"..."if you condemn you shall be condemned"...."seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you..." and that includes the ability to truly love your neighbor.

We all see those who scream in selfrighteousness "Child Molester" "Child Raper" but there are boys who seek out adults, what shall we call them? "Misguided, confused, abused, sinners, victims?" why not call the adults those victimized names too? Is it because of age? God is no repsector of persons my dear child. They too are victims of the same evil one that everyone else is. Let love replace judgement, let understanding replace folly.

If you want to know more about those you ask about, ask God, he understand us all more than we do ourselves.

With love and peace,


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