Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by Cherub30 on January 09 2000 at 04:38:21

One of my favorite authors is Max Lucado. As I was reading tonight, I came across some words from him on suffering. I thought some of you might benefit from it as well.

"Something happens when we struggle with problems. Either we can become paralyzed by our problems, turning inward and getting hooked on pity, or we can defeat the inclination to turn inward and allow God to help us grow through these difficulties.

Struggling with life's difficulties makes us a little wiser, a little more capable, enabling us to comfort others who experience pain. Any difficulties we face in life are short-lived; all rewards are eternal. A divine inheritance will be our reward for faithfulness to our heavenly Father. Our faithfulness to the Father is something we should renew daily--a priority for beginning each day."

A prayer:

Father, thank you for carrying us when we struggle. We're grateful that you don't turn your back when we're in trouble. Help us not to minimize our struggles; yet, at the same time, help us recognize that any struggle we have is small in comparison to the great God we serve. Amen.

Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Romans 8:17-18

God bless each of you this week.


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