Christian Boylove Forum

Re: confused

Submitted by Don on January 22 2000 at 20:45:09
In reply to confused Submitted by Bruce on January 22 2000 at 18:11:58

Hi Bruce,

I don't think anything is "wrong" with you. A special attraction to boys is a rare gift that most men don't have. I think God gave me this attraction so I could do his work among the troubled and hurting boys around me in a way few could. The only thing "wrong" with boylove, and this is only my opinion, is if you take it to the point of having sex with the boy. For me, this is wrong based on my interpretion of scripture but I wouldn't force that on another person.

You can use your boylove feelings in a positive way that honors God by mentoring, coaching, counseling, and just giving your time to boys at youth organizations or schools. If you think you can't control your feelings and would abuse a boy, then you might have something to worry about.


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