Christian Boylove Forum

Re: confused

Submitted by H.S. on January 24 2000 at 14:42:20
In reply to confused Submitted by Bruce on January 22 2000 at 18:11:58

Bruce, the majority of the men in this forum have the same attraction for boys, and we all may, or may not, have different opinions. The key is to use the bible, God's word, as your guide. Seek God with all your heart. He has never left you, nor forsaken you. If we're ever separated from God, it's because of our own sinful nature, because He has never moved. He's always there. If you're not involved in a church, get involved. Then get involved in a men's accountability group. You don't necessarily have to confess that you have an attraction for boys, just let them know you need their prayers and support. It may take some time to develop enough trust to do that. Then allow God to do a work in you. Surrender everything to Him. Seek Him on a daily basis through scripture, and listen for His still, small voice. Soon, you will have your answer. I will lift you up in prayer today. I pray He will send someone your way, to minister to you, and encourage you. God wants to mold you into the man He wants you to be. Let Him...

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