Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Is Gods

Submitted by I Found A Breakthrough! on February 03 2000 at 22:32:08
In reply to Is Gods Submitted by thebegining on February 01 2000 at 17:51:37

What we behold we become.

What we focus on will cause us to become it. If we focus on our short comings too much we never overcome them. I'm not talking denial, but when we see a problem we offer it to God. Strongholds in our lives may take a daily offering to God. But once offered we need to turn to feed on God's truth and presence in WORSHIP.

As we sit quiet before Him and ask Him for a touch. We Listen and He reviels truth in the inner-man. This is the path to freedom. Sometimes we just keep fighting in our own strength. But it's not by might or power but by the Spirit says the Lord. Offer it up then WORSHIP Him. Sing to Him. Praise Him. When bridal love is awakened in our hearts for our bridegroom, and we experience intimacy with Christ in the inner-man we are freed from lust and sin. But sin reigns in our mortal body so it takes daily contact with His presence to have our mortal bodies quickened (Romans chapter 8) - This quickening referrs to His Spirit mordifiying the deeds of the body, the passions that drive us to sin. We need to be continually filled through WORSHIP to stay continually quickened.

We all have natural needs. We should never deny our sexuality. But we sin when we are lead asstray by the lustful passions in our mortal body. Christ understands this and IN HIS PRESENCE in WORSHIP we find freedom from EXCESSIVE lust and agitating passions.

As a single person, I have found that in order to keep from excessive lust I masterbate. Masterbation is not wrong. Our bodies were designed by God and given sexual function. But sin takes advatage through our cravings to drive us into excess. Sexuality is not wrong. Sexual imorality is wrong. The sin takes place in the mind. Therefore the physical act of masterbation to releave a natural God given buildup in my body is not wrong. But if I use fantacies to enhance the experience, I sin. So I have found much freedom in having a set time once a week when I masterbate. By waiting a week it's over fast and I don't have to use my immagination to get the release. Most IMPORTANTLY, I acknowledge the presence of God and ask Him to be with me. I invite Him into the moment.

Many I have shared this with many who have struggled with masterbation who at first are uncomfortable with this suggestion, as if it was like bringing sin into Gods presence, but God is there anyway and by inviting Him into our "potencial sin areas" we are walking in truth with Him and He honors truth.
We don't run from God like Adam and Eve. We run to Him like the Prodical son. (And He is running to us too!)

My heart takes this possision, "I know you're here God and I have this desire, I ask you to be here with me, and I give You this time that I might not sin in my heart."

In conclusion: We have to take care of our physical needs just and we do our spiritual needs. If we don't allow our natural needs a proper outlet they will explode into excesses. When people deny themselves food on "diets" they often overendulge even more. This is the same with lust. Masterbation is a way to satisfy a physical need so lust doesn't overwhelm us. Again, sin is in the mind, in the heart. God knows our needs and He can help us from going too far, and becoming enslaved to anything.

Paul said that "all things were permissible to me, but I will not be mastered by anything." We are not to be mastered by masterbation, but when we have a need we need to get it met and move on. Again, WORSHIP and intimacy with Christ brings much passionate fullfullment in the inner-man. In His presence our bodies excessive desires can be tempered. It is a daily thing. At first we draw near to Him for the freedom His presence can give, but when we begin to lust for Christ, burn with passion from experiencing His presence we run to Him because we want more of His love.

What we behold we become.

Romans Chapter 7 & 8 - "The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace."

I give you life and peace.

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