Christian Boylove Forum

Re: New...

Submitted by Steve on February 11 2000 at 16:04:12
In reply to New... Submitted by ME on February 11 2000 at 11:23:32

Hi 'ME',

You need to be assured that what you feel is not wrong, just different. Acting on it would be though. The same as someone acting on their attraction for a married woman or teenager. The bible says sexual relations are for inside of marriage and believe you-me you are among millions who struggle with attractions outside of that.

It's true; The media, society and the government say that what you feel is abnormal and sick. It's hard for us because our mates are allowed to sleep around with whoever they want`. It's not in your best interests to go shouting that you want to have sex with 5yr old boys BUT The only opinion that counts is that of God. He has got just as much time and love and patience for you as he has for the woman who swears too much, the guy who gets angry and breaks things or the vicar that jumps red lights.

He wants you to talk to him, tell him how you're feeling, let him guide you in your life choices and most of all to accept his love and forgiveness for the times you've put what you want ahead of what's right.

In regard to where you're at. What helped me when coming to terms with my attraction is pinpointing exactly what it is that attracts you to young boys. For me it is the body, smile, athletic build of a boy about 14-15yrs turning into a man. I would always go for the good looking ones with the floppy blonde hair and blue eyes. I'd look at him and even though I'm older I'd feel as though I needed to be accepted by him and would try and impress him.

I believe this stems from me and my self-confidence when I was that age. I'm crying out ' Accept me and give me worth that I never received from my peers when I was growing up'

The feelings of wanting to kiss, caress and get naked with him all comes from the sense that He's got the perfect 'body' and I never have or could ever have such a physique and attract others in the same way. Just wanting to be part of him and have him want me in that way.

This may sound like psychobabble but it gives us something to hand to God and say help me work on this. Now I am a confident, well-adjusted adult and a lot of women are attracted to me. Some even call me arrogant. I also happen to have a lot of teenage friends. It's natural to be attracted to them, but you make your choice and you live with the consequences.

You didn't mention if you were a Christian or not. Loving boys needn't be what defines you and what drives you. It may never go away or you may overcome it.

I hope and pray that you find peace in your life as you start to deal with who you are.

In Love

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