Christian Boylove Forum

uplifting church experiences

Submitted by Dirk Gently on February 14 2000 at 20:39:14
In reply to A new hope / Message for all Submitted by Steve on February 12 2000 at 19:06:56

Hey, Steve! Thanks for the invitation to share our joys as well as our struggles.

The high point of most weeks for me is standing in line, surrounded by the body of Christ, singing a psalm or spiritual song, waiting to receive Holy Communion. And I'm often struck by the thought, "There's no other place in the world I'd rather be right now."

I don't even know what Psalm it is that we usually sing, but the first verse is "Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever, Alleluia!" I suppose I could look it up, but since I've got it memorized, why bother? :^)


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