Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by F.O.D. on February 18 2000 at 17:36:14
In reply to sex is not.... Submitted by Compassion on February 18 2000 at 11:29:27

Yes, compassion, you are indeed correct. Sex is good. It's a powerful force, and there's a right way and a wrong way to use it, but of itself it is good!

My comments about sex even in marriage being sinful were satirical (or is that sarcastic, I always mix up the two). It's the way I as a Protestant understand these Catholic teachings, which teachings I view with contempt.

The whole point about Mary being a virgin for Jesus' birth is important, and it seals a prophecy made in Isaiah 7.

But I fail to understand what virtue there could possibly have been in Mary remaining a virgin after Jesus' birth, after marriage to Joseph. God pity poor Joseph if she was. In fact, worse than that, it would have been a travesty and an abuse as her responsibilities as wife to Joseph if she did never sleep with him after marrying him. It would have been sinful if she did remain a virgin!

About the "Queen of Heaven" thing, the only place I can find that phrase in the Bible is in reference to the pagan goddess Ashtoreth...

God bless,


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