Christian Boylove Forum

It must be in the air or "what's up"?

Submitted by jamie on February 26 2000 at 10:09:45

It must be in the air or "what's up"?

What is in the air or another way of putt-
ing itmay be "what's up" with everyone these days?

In other words why is there so much turmoil between all humanity?

Lately, I have been looking around and trying to see what it is that has been bothering so many people of all ages, younger and older from all walks of life, beliefs, and the like, including myself.

The questions keep going through my mind with no clear answers in sight. Mainly, because on one hand there are people going out of their way to try and destroy other people for their own personal dogma attitudes.

Wanting everyone to be like them and fit into a mold they consider and have set for themselves above everyone else but themselves.

And then again there are others who feel they want to be left alone to live their own lives as they see fit or choose too.

And when they are not, these people whoever they happen to be. Try to do their best to try and ruin other people's lives for their own selfish desires, reasons or way of life that they want others to follow.

Like it or not. None of us chose this life or the life we have to live.

Life choose each of us. In that respect we have to make the best of it.

For better or worse. Live and let live.

And we all need to stop playing judge, jury and most importantly "God". When and if there is a God none of us could walk in his shoes or claim we have been like him.

When in fact if that were the case every human being on this earth would be a total liar.

Not only to God but to themselves.

We are all human,

nothing more,

nothing less...


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