Christian Boylove Forum

She Said Yes!!!!

Submitted by Triple Q on February 29 2000 at 20:41:12

Psych!!! It's the title of a book I've just finished reading. :)

It's called She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall. Cassie was one of the victims in the Columbine Massacre. She's the one who, when confronted by Eric and Dylan about whether she believed in God she said yes. Her mother wrote the book and it's very...interesting.

Anybody else read it?

Excerpt (from Cassie's counsellor after her death):
Cassie struggled like everyone struggles but she knew what she had to do to let Chris live in her. It's called dying to yourself and it has to be done daily. It means learning to break out of the selfish life. It's not a negative thing but a way of freeing yourself to live life more fully. The world looks at Cassie's "yes" of April 20th but we need to look at the daily "yes" she said day after day, month after month, before giving that final answer.

It's the same point that Jesus was trying to make when he said that he who saves his life will lose it, but he who gives up his life will find it. Long before Cassie died, Cassie had decided that instead of looking out for herself--instead of trying to get things to work her way and wondering what life had to offer her--she was going to see what she had to make of it.
It's not a question of doing great deeds but of being selfless in the small things. Cassie used to come with us to a ministry for crack addicts downtown. We'd eat with the guys, and play basketball, or just hang out with them. That's what it's all about. Saying hi to someone or shaking their hand when you'd rather look the other way. Reaching out, being willing to make sacrifices, for something bigger than your own happiness and comfort.

Any thoughts?!

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