Christian BoyLove Forum #60254

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No Longer Me

Posted by Clolibre on 2009-10-13 06:22:40, Tuesday

In the Past I did a Post titled: "In Conclusion" where I talked about my personal revelations about myself and child-love. Now, I have realised something else that has been at first hard to accept or at least hard to express. I am no longer a Christian or at least what most people would call a Christian. I believe being a Christian marginalises too much into what other people think I should be instead of who God says I am.

I don't follow the traditional values or morals that most who claim to be Christian do nor do I want to. I just want to live life free from oppression by any Group or Power, be judged by God and not by man and Find Grace and Mercy not because of what I call myself but because of my Faith in Jesus the Christ.

I know that Christian just is a label used to describe those who claim to follow Christ but it has become much more than that and seemingly the focus has been more on what people believe and not what God says. It also interest me when people think God doesn't speak to us anymore as he did to others in the past and that the only way to know God's will is to read ancient text, trusting the translation of those who compiled it and then trust the ones who teach it and never trust that God can give you the wisdom and understanding such as King Solomon received when he asked for it.

I also will spend very little if any time participating on this forum as to allow those who believe different than me to share in their beliefs unencumbered by my objections and leaving them the freedom to walk with those that agree with them.

It's funny because I might have much more of a hard time explaining to my family and friends I no longer agree with being called Christian or the traditions and traditional beliefs that surround it than to explain my sexual preferences.

I have just had enough of being repressed because of what I desire and belief. Also, I have had enough of being dictated to by people who can't even live up to their own beliefs but expect me to live up to theirs.

Not gonna happen. I would rather face God on the day of Judgment and give an honest account of the things I have done and thought allowing him to make the final decision than to follow everyone or anyone else with my life hanging in the balance and not being sure that if what I was taught is truly the right way.

May God Bless and have Mercy on All of his Creation

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