Christian BoyLove Forum #60529

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Re: Covenant Eyes

Posted by o!o on 2009-11-02 18:51:19, Monday
In reply to Covenant Eyes posted by Eldad on 2009-11-01 11:11:41, Sunday

Sounds like a good idea, but I think the problem with something like this is that the person may be tempted to find other ways to get his eyes on those "things" he wants to look at but maybe shouldn't be seeing. I don't want to give anyone any ideas, but there are many other outlets (some very illegal), and if you put up a wall in one place, most people will just go looking for another place. It's a crazy maze filled with many trap-doors, and it doesn't lead to anything good, that's for sure.

I'm not saying that the internet is one of the more healthy outlets for people like us. I'm saying that we need something more than "covenant eyes" to get control over our urges, or else we're just going to go elsewhere. Hey, it may be a step in the right direction... and it may be enough for some people... but more than anything, it's still a choice we need to be strong enough in ourselves to make. And where do we find that strength? For me, it's in God, in reading His Word, and in spending time with Him in prayer. Without Him, I know I couldn't do it otherwise. He's my covenant eyes.

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