Christian BoyLove Forum #61182

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Re: Joining

Posted by Rainboy on 2009-12-28 01:29:00, Monday
In reply to Joining posted by Cat on 2009-12-27 16:26:08, Sunday

Hi Cat,

There is no mention in Scripture of "soulties" that I'm aware of. Nor is there a mention of a tearing that happens when sexually "joined" people separate.

I used the term "soulties" because I had heard it before (and it seemed to be a common term in some Christian circles) but, for what it's worth, I don't see it as some sort of magical spiritual occurrence. [I am not one to quickly ascribe spiritual significance to natural events. For example, for the most part I don't think "the devil made me do it" or that God sends his angels to help me find that perfect parking spot.] On a purely natural level, though, I think that some form of "binding" does occur, simply due to the intensity of the experience. Orgasms are powerful, and when we experience one, I think our brains tend to form positive associations (a "bond"?) with whatever we happen to be focusing on at the time.

I don't think fantasising about someone binds you to them really... they don't even know about it most of the time.

I agree that -- as far as the other person is concerned -- there is no bonding occurring. But, from a one-sided perspective, I think we do tend to form a bond to the object of our attention (during masturbation) -- even if that is simply an image. [I don't believe it is possible to masturbate to porn repeatedly without the brain forming some strong mental associations with such images. Whether that could be called "bonding" or not, I don't know, but I think of it that way...]

As to using masturbation to bind with God... well its not a biblical concept.

When you say "not a biblical concept" do you mean "anti-Biblical", or simply "not mentioned in the Bible"? Masturbation itself is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, but I'm sure we both agree that it is not a sin (in and of itself).

Maybe my clarification above about "binding" will help clear up that I don't actually mean that masturbation (enjoyed in God's presence) creates some sort of mystical, spiritual link between me and God. I don't believe it does. But, on a purely natural level, I think it does help to "program" my brain to desire more of God's presence, and to love Him more. That may sound very "non-spiritual", but I'm OK with that. [God is over the natural and the supernatural.] If I can "teach" my brain to want more of God, why not?

But more importantly, God is such a huge part of my life, and being sexual is a significant aspect of who I am as a human being: On some level, I can't imagine NOT sharing the sexual aspect of who I am with God.

Is it better to masturbate with a pure, loving heart before God, or to masturbate to fantasies of boys? I'm going to say the former.

Given that not even masturbation is mentioned in the Bible, do you have any references to indicate that what I am proposing is ANTI-Biblical?


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