Christian BoyLove Forum #62815

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Quality Time

Posted by Youth?? on 2010-06-15 02:10:39, Tuesday

I've taken the time to get to know my 12 year old cousin a bit more, and man do we have a lot in common. Even some of the bad, I think he's generally depressed, but not severely, as his parents are divorced, and no matter who he's staying with (dad or mom) he surrounded by drunks and things of the like, so I've taken it upon myself to get him out of those households two nights a week. He's also a gamer, and now that it's summer here, I know he'll just sit around the house playing video games all day. So I told him to pack his stuff because we're going to do stuff this summer, go to the movies, to the aquarium just do stuff. And to be a friend, and a mentor if I can be. I'm really looking forward to it, i think it will be a good experience for both of us, at least that's what I'm aiming for. And this is also all on my own accord, my own money, my own vehicle which im paying for and my own gas to get us too and fro.

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