Christian BoyLove Forum #63248

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Posted by Anonymous Speaker on 2010-08-07 22:51:18, Saturday
In reply to Re: I am what my username states posted by Blazeofhope on 2010-08-07 22:17:13, Saturday

On second thought, perhaps I should drop the "Troll" from my username. I did some more reading on this board, and it seems like it would be a lot more open to what I am about than, well, the other BL forums I have participated on. In other words, I think I would feel essentially less like a troll here. :-)

As far as my relationship with the Lord is going, I'm working on it. Mostly through the AA steps, but I am thinking of branching out and finding a church to join. If nothing else, it would get me out of my apartment some more - and being alone in my apartment is usually not a good place for me to be (that's where I did pretty much all my drinking).

So, I go to meetings every single day, without exception, even on holidays. It has been very rewarding so far - it's nothing like I thought it would be. Before I attended my first meeting, I thought it would be "gloom and doom, pity us we're alcoholics, etc", but it's really not like that at all.

I really have no right to complain these days. I have a steady paycheck, a roof over my head, my fridge has food in it, my bills are all paid on time. I am starting to find myself through service to others, and through service to God's will (although when it comes to the latter, I pretty much am figuring it out as I go along).

With that said, I am not a huge fan of organized religion, or any organization or group of people which claim to know all about what God's will is. Honestly, I don't think anybody can make that claim. I do believe that God did not set things up so that the human race could evolve just so people can be hating on each other like they do all too often, but that's my belief - it's a part of my faith, and "faith" pretty much means I believe in it even though I really can't draw up any concrete proof.

I am not speaking these words with offense in mind. Like I said, I have only recently turned to God. I will be learning about my faith for the rest of my life, as I guess could be said about many other people here.

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