Christian BoyLove Forum #59996

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Know your state laws

Posted by Oliver on 2009-09-30 06:09:46, Wednesday

A recent article on yahoo by the Associated Press has deemed that Michigain state law forbids a mom from watching her neighbor's kids for an hour before each school day as they wait for the bus. This was a favor to the families of the neighbor kids, whose parents had to leave early for work, but state law indicates that no unlicensed day-care providers may watch over unrelated children to the family for more than 4 weeks. The mom was basically keeping day-care centers from being paid by providing before school care. She received a letter from the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS).

Now, this may sound ridiculous, and the state is looking into creating legislation to make the law flexible for neighborly activity such as this. The governor and high officials are even involved, BUT, would some of us who may frequently spend time with a YF, or do a single Mom a favor and watch after her pumpkin be under scrutiny of laws like this? I'd hate to get a letter like this, thinking someone is watching the amount of time I spend with a YF or be under the watchful eye of my state DHS.

I agree these cases may be few and far between. They may show how ridiculous some laws can be, but it also shows how easy it is for someone to see something the wrong way and have legal backing to exploit something innocent.

Does anyone know if their state has laws like this? Must we be part of an organization like Big Brothers to even be "allowed" to make friends with a child, or be a licensed day-care provider to watch over unrelated children? Be aware.


• ( http link ) Article: State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids

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