Christian BoyLove Forum #60126

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2 things.

Posted by Paranoid on 2009-10-07 07:34:11, Wednesday

1.Does anyone know any kind of support place similar to this, but for people dealing with psychological problems and not attractions to boys? I just feel that this might not be the right place since it's for boylovers, which I am not.

2. I was watching an episode of Law and Order today and it had to do with a teenager dealing with himself being attracted to younger boys. He went to the police to turn himself in and everyone treated him like crap. He was asking for help, but no one was really giving it to him. Everyone treated him like he was the scum of the earth, but he hadn't done anything wrong. He was only 17 years old. He ended up running away and everyone just wanted to lock him up and this upset me. Apparently there were only groups for people who were registered offenders and they would have to wait until he acted on his feelings to admit him into a group. Also, everyone was talking about suppressing his emotions and feelings and what not, but I thought they should be helping him cope with his feelings. Anyway, I wanted to ask, how often is it that you find a non-BL who sees past the pedophile and sees the human?

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