Christian BoyLove Forum #60170
I just have a couple of minutes right now so I will just say 'very cool!' and mention my favorite group of guys following up on the Led Zeppelin school of blues, namely the 90s group called Tea Party. Jeff Martin, their miracle guitarist, could really do that Since I've Been Lovin' You type thing. Gays weren't allowed to feel unhappy in North America because Anita Bryant said they were unhappy. So we are allowed to be smiley-bouncy (dance music, Broadway) or over-the-top-tragic-campy (opera, Broadway) but not sad or fierce or, heaven forbid, morbid (no successful gay death metal groups that I know of). Or reflective or pensive or magic-realist. Oh, but we are allowed comedy novelty songs, like the great but now hard-to-find recordings of Romanovsky and Phillips. Anyways, yeah, blues -- way too real. |