Christian BoyLove Forum #60557
but given your proposed scenario, I would anticipate the following events after your self revelation:
1) The credibility of the organisation that you had built would be destroyed - too many questions about what had been going on. 2) Allegations would be made against you and probably other members of the staff that you had abused your clients. Sadly there will always be a few evil ones that would see this as an opportunity to gain megabucks. Even if you could prove that the boys concerned were lying, the damage would have been done. The truth is that witch hunting only went out of fashion because it ceased to be fashionable to believe in witches. Given that people believe (a) that intergenerational sex is seriously harmful and (b) paedophiles can't be expected to control themselves, it is inevitable that self identification as a paedophile will result in your rejection. Enjoy your martyrdom - and be very aware that you would probably be taking your colleagues with you down a route they probably wouldn't have chosen. |