Christian BoyLove Forum #60701
I can answer for myself if Blackstone can't say anything. My YFs parents were glad to see him adopt me because he is at a fork in the road : he could be a successful entrepreneur or a criminal gangster, and they saw my influence was very much toward the law-abiding citizen side. He is a young teen at the height of his 'rebel rebel' phase. The first time he stayed over they were going to leave town, but they suddenly didn't go. They just live a few doors down. He stayed over anyways and all was well - this settled their nerves. The next time they left him for the weekend they imposed ridiculous curfews on him (he wanted to chill with his friends) and he cooperated with them, so then they were even less nervous. Now they'd pretty much let him stay over without worry, but ironically, when they are around, they put so much limit on him seeing friends (he has to have homework done perfectly, room clean, etc. to not be grounded) that when he does stay over, I hardly see him, he is out with his buddies nearly all the time. I am glad to give him a break so he can go be a teen among teens, but I see him more when he's staying at home! This whole thing about grounding teens - that's a hard punishment, man. I would never have put up with it myself. My guy's teen years are slipping by in a endless series of groundings, which make him so mad that he does something to get grounded again, like a catch 22. I hate it but that's how the parents are. Very conservative types who want to bust this private at home boot camp if it's the last thing they do. The private is not having it. Anyways, got off the track there, didn't I? |