Christian BoyLove Forum #60731
Notice that no one was coming after Jesus because there was a big furniture contract that needed to be shipped. He had a technical skill, but he was perfectly free to wander off and do his own thing, which happened to be God's. But God has many commissions: you don't need to be his Begotten Son in the strict sense. You'll love yourself when you're doing something useful. What can you do with no budget? You can look and see if your area is still short a PFLAG chapter (* and if it is, you can contact the nearest one * (or the nearest active one you can find) and get advice on how to organize one in your area. If there is one around you can help them organize stuff. Don't be put off if most members are lovely old mums who will treat you somewhat as visiting royalty. Having belonged to many destitute gay organizations, I can tell you that a budget is optimal but not necessary. |