Christian BoyLove Forum #60761

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after giving it some thought

Posted by Youth?? on 2009-11-22 22:55:48, Sunday
In reply to Parents banned from playgrounds: UK posted by Godspell on 2009-11-18 08:12:58, Wednesday

I agree with... Chris... I think?
Life is life, crap happens, you can't just be protected from everything.
If this ever happened in America - I've thought of some things that would pose a problem.

One, the constitution clearly - and strictly forbids descrimination due to sexual orientation, and whether people want to believe it or not - boylove, girllove, childlove, what EVER is a sexual orientation. The thing is, they've made child porn illegal (which I don't agree with or anything just bare with me) and made it illegal to have sex with a minor - and then if this ever happened, it's like the first step into banning any kind of release that people of child-loving sexual orientation.

Once again - I'm not agreeing, but somewhere out there - there are kids who want sexual relationships with adult, however stupid the rest of the world may think a decision like that is - it doesn't really matter. Making all these barriers, and suppresing any kind of release - even that of just going to the park to admire the children - is dangerous. That why kids get raped and molested and grow up strange - because we live in a society that defines it strange.

Ignorance breeds fear. And stupidity, and danger.
Obviously I understand our kids need to be protected - but I'd rather have some guy checking out my kid at a park then going on some mental breakdown looking for the first kid to rape - but on the flip side - the more they stare - the more they lust, and the more they desire - but that could be said for any orientation really - excepts kids aren't smart enough - or strong enough to defend themselves, and -I think- aren't mature enough to make the decision to have sex with an adult.

The thing that confuses me is this - it's that literally, women have stated
"Get the law off my body"
Basically - women can kill a child in the womb.
But then - a minor can legally get an abortion without telling the parents.
How's that protecting the kid?
Makes me wonder what the constitution is really protecting.
And how come, if a minor decided to have sex with an adult - it's stagetory rape - and the adult get's charged - but not the minor?

The easy answer would be 'well the kid isn't old enough to make that decision'.

But arguments have been won so far as to say a baby in the womb is not a life. And yet a 12 year old girl can 'be mature enough to make the decision' to get an abortion.

I love America, I just wish i knew the angle they're playing.
They protect children from pedophiles - but allow parents to kill their own.


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