Christian BoyLove Forum #60795
Here in the U.S. we have much to be thankful for, as we have become a great
nation and people in the world. Our day to day lives are full of News from all over the world, and the issues and affairs of goverments keeps us very interested in how best to address them. The future of our boys and youngmen are of great concern, and I feel they have become an endagered species for more reasons than one. In Christendom there is very little hope that they can be of any help as war seems to be the only means to the ends they seek. The Christianity taught by Christ and His followers are tested everyday and in every way as we each have come to see. I am thankful for this group, and happy to be a member with those who see the task before us, as we hope to be helping this endagered species that our dear young kids are being exposed to. Thank GOD that soon the Good News of His Kingdom is soon to come, as we see the coming end of these 'Last Days.' |