Christian BoyLove Forum #61026
Not only were we next door neighbours but we had a connecting doorway.
When he was 11 in the summer almost every night at about 10.30 he would knock on my door and come in wearing just his underpants to chat and watch programs that I had recorded on the television. He would stay until his stepfather came in to call him back after an hour or so. In the morning he would also get up early to help me with outside work. To use his term: we bonded the first day we met. I prefer the term bonded rather than love. I have called myself Luckymick on another forum. You can see why! He is now 16 with a labouring job that he loves and we still keep in regular contact. The last 5 yrs have also been a dream situation that will last with me for the rest of my life. No need to dream at nightime |